We have 3 types;
1. ABOVE-GROUND pool. This Pool can be kept above a Flat floor. (Digging pit not required). Can be kept on Terrace, Basement, Inside house.
2. IN-GROUND pool can be placed in level to the floor.(Need to dig a pit).
3. SEMI IN-GROUND pool are placed partly in-ground and partly above-ground.
We have several readymade swimming pool models ready to be deployed. We also manufature customised swimming pools as per your requirement.
Yes. We have option for customers to custom select the pool features. Our model "Colorado" is fully loaded.
30 kg. per cubic feet (with water ) is the typical weight. Because of its light weight it can be installed as terrace pool or an roof top pool.
9000 Lts. of water needed. Once filled, need not change water for more than 1* year. (if maintained as per instructions). It has got a three stage filtration system, which keeps the water clean.
The Red-Line indicates the minimum level of water to be maintained in pool. If water is below Red-Line, then need to be topped-up or refilled.

It mainly depends on the location of the pool. Outside or Inside, In-ground or Above-ground.

However as a thumb rule 15 to 30 min will do.

Some of our models come with "Programmed-Cleaning" feature. Once switch on, it will filter and switch off itself.

We also have "Auto-Cleaner" accessory. Which once switch on, cleans the pool by itself.

It is easy to maintain the water. Refer our User manual, it is explained in simple steps.
It is portable. Our service personal will carry out this job, when required by the customer.
it’s a single molded piece and has no joints. Hence chances of leakage is avoided.

It is light on building structures.

it has a smooth finish (No Tiles). Hence no accumulation of algae or dirt and so easy to clean.

it’s a self standing structure and hence don’t require additional supports.

Its made of a UV retardant Marine grade composite material.(Like used in luxury yacht).

The compact size saves space and water maintenance time.

In Swim jet, one can swim unlimitedly.

Water can be used for more than one year. No need to change water frequently.

it does not require separate pump or electrical rooms. All are inbuilt.

It will be installed in a days time. So it saves the time of construction, material controll, followup etc.

Yes. 5 Years warranty for the Fiberglass shell against any cracks and 1 year warranty for all Electrical parts.

We will repair the parts. If not possible, then replace it.

The warranty period is applicable to replaced parts from the date of purchase of the pool.

After warranty period, Binz&Boris provides AMC (Annual Maintenance Contract). Does periodical service.

For In-Ground pool, a pit has to be made at site.

For Above-Ground pool, the floor at site has to be level.

A instalation sketch will be provided prior preperation of the site.

Ensure crane access.

It is a child friendly pool. It has two suction skimmers, to avoid accidental suction-lock.

The pool is designed with in-built steps for easy access and relaxation.

It is fitted with an Emergency "Power" cut-off switch.

It is fitted with a Earth-Leak tripper.

It is designed with a child friendly, equal level depth. (Not taper depth design).

The touch panel is password protected. Hence avoids un-monitored and un-authorised usage.

We manufacture swimming pools of upto 60 ft. length.

The parent company of Binz&Boris is into manufacturing of composite parts for Luxury bus OEM's for past 36 Years.

It has a work force of 160+ employees.

It is a very economical pool to opertate. The rates are calculated on basis of Rs.3/- (Rupees Three) per unit.

The cost of Filtering per hour will be Rs. 4.41/- (Four rupee and fourty one paisa).

The cost of using air jets for one hour will be Rs. 4.41/- (Four rupee and fourty one paisa).

The cost of using 3hp Swim-Jet for one hour wil be Rs. 6.60/- (Six rupee and Sixty paisa).

Swimjet produces current or flowing water against which one can continuiously swim.
BinznBoris Readymade Pool is a 3 in 1 readymade Swimmng Pool inbuilt with swimjet and Jacuzzi.
Once the site is ready. Our installation will be completed within one day.
Hydrojets are fitted on Jacuzzi. One can enjoy the hydro massage in it.
Binz and Boris fibreglass pool comes with a rugged design and generally it does not require much of service, how ever we have a dedicated team of experienced and skilled man power at your disposal. we also keep a good inventory of spares.
The parent company of Binz and Boris is ISO 9001:2015 certified and IATF 16949:2016 certified.
Yes we have pool heater, ozonator, UV ionizer, auto chlorinator, salt water chlorinator, automatic pool vaccum cleaner, pool cover, remote auto filtration, bluetooth speakers.
Readymade Swimming Pool manufacturer in India